Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Remote recording in opensta (IE/Mozila Firefox )

Remote recording in OpenSTA IE/Mozila Firefox On a Local Area Network
Remote recording in OpenSTA

1. Set the options for 'Machine1' as follows :

a-In the gateway dialog, in 'Capture' frame control
b-set 'Capture' option to Remote,
c-set 'Administration port' to 3000,
d-set 'Port' to 81
e-In the gateway dialog, in frame Proxy control
f-set 'Address' to Proxy1 IP address with proxy port 80 (this is set if you need proxy server to connect to Internet)
g-In the gateway dialog, in frame Proxy control
h-set Secure to 'Machine2 IP Address' with 'port' as '81'
i-In the gateway dialog, in frame Proxy control
j-enable pypass proxy server for local address (as required)

2. No browser options need to be modified on 'Machine1'

3. Set the browser options for 'Machine2' as follows :

a-in the 'LAN Settings' dialog, in Proxy server
b-set 'Address' to 'IP of Machine1' and 'port' as '81'

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